I enjoy learning from YouTube videos, but I hate falling into YouTube rabbit holes. Everyone has been there - first you’re watching a video about the James Webb Space Telescope, next thing you know 4 hours later you somehow ended up 3 hours into a flat-earth conspiracy video narrated entirely with textbox subtitles that only has 27 views. I want to watch videos that genuinely interest me, but I don’t want to have to open youtube.com to check if my favorite creators have posted. That’s where this comes in!
I included the meat and potatoes of what is going on below- using Selenium and Chromedriver for Python 3 I find the video metadata on the homepage of the YouTube creators that I specify.
def scrape_vids():
data = []
for e in WebDriverWait(driver, 20).until(EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'div#details'))):
title = e.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'a#video-title-link').get_attribute('title')
vurl = e.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, 'a#video-title-link').get_attribute('href')
views = e.find_element(By.XPATH,
'.//*[@id="metadata"]//span[@class="inline-metadata-item style-scope ytd-video-meta-block"][1]').text
date_time = e.find_element(By.XPATH,
'.//*[@id="metadata"]//span[@class="inline-metadata-item style-scope ytd-video-meta-block"][2]').text
'video_url': vurl,
'title': title,
'date_time': date_time,
'views': views
Check out the Spotify Web API. You will need to set up some background info on the Spotify Developer portal, but afterwards it is pretty simple. In my case I am using a library called Spotipy which is basically a python wrapper for the web API. I used this tool to find podcast metadata for the scraper! See below.
# Podcast Scraping Function
def pod_scrape(val):
data = []
pod = sp.shows([val],market='US')
des = pod['shows'][0]['html_description']
pub = pod['shows'][0]['publisher']
link = pod['shows'][0]['external_urls']['spotify']
pod_title = pod['shows'][0]['name']
# Get latest episode metadata from podcast
show_eps = sp.show_episodes(val,limit=1)
desc = show_eps['items'][0]['description']
show_link = show_eps['items'][0]['external_urls']['spotify']
show_title = show_eps['items'][0]['name']
show_release = show_eps['items'][0]['release_date']
ep_num = show_eps['total']
'pod_url': show_link,
'show_title': show_title,
'authors': pub,
'r_date': show_release,
'description': desc,
'ep_num': ep_num
This is essentially the same function for both scrapers minus the message text. This isn’t exactly safe because we bypass SSL but more on that below.
# Email function
def send_email(data):
# Create a text/plain message
msg = EmailMessage()
# initialize message
body = ''
for i in data:
individual = 'Here is the latest podcast from ' + i[0]['pod_title'] + ':\n\n' + 'Episode #' + str(
i[0]['ep_num']) + ', \"' + i[0]['show_title'] + '\"\n\n' + i[0][
'pod_url'] + '\n\n' + 'Release date: ' + i[0]['r_date'] + '\n\n' + 'Show Notes:\n\n' + i[0][
'description'] + '\n\n'
body = body + individual
msg['Subject'] = 'New Podcast Alert!'
msg['From'] = email
msg['To'] = email
# Send email with SMTP
with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('smtp.gmail.com', 465) as smtp:
smtp.sendmail(email,email, msg.as_string())
A Google App password must be generated for this to interface with Gmail. This can be configured here. This variable in the code pw = ''
is looking for the app password, not your normal email account password.
The whole point of this code is to service as a notification generator. Using cron on my mac will allow me to run this Python code at regular intervals. Run crontab -e
in your terminal to create a recurring job for your computer to run. I have set my cron job to run every monday at 3:33pm.
33 15 * * 4 cd ~ && . mindful_notis.sh
The shell script looks like this:
# Change to working directory
cd /working/directory
# Activate virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
# Run notification scripts
python3 SpotiMind.py >/tmp/stout2.log 2>/tmp/stderr2.log
python3 MindfulNotis.py >/tmp/stdout.log 2>/tmp/stderr.log
# Clean up
cd ~
Since the writing of this post, the only video that was uploaded within the window I specified was from Wintergatan. It is worth noting you can add many channels to your dictionary.
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate