
I received a wonderful gift recently- a magazine full of smoothie recipes! Anyone who knows me knows that I have a smoothie with breakfast basically every morning of my life. I didn’t realize until I received this gift, but I really needed to freshen up my perspective on my recipe! I was stuck in my smoothie ways and this book has opened up some fun culinary doors for my mornings.

I am not great at planning ahead when it comes to buying groceries or ingredients- therefore I wanted a way to easily search the recipe book for specific ingredients to cobble together a smoothie from what I had on hand, or to target specific ingredients to buy on my next trip to the market!

The idea started to percolate…


  • Scan each recipe in the magazine
  • Use Google OCR (optical character recognition) API to scrape the text from each image
  • Use python regex interpretation to isolate useful information
  • Create a CRUD searchable database using Ruby Rails and upload each recipe
  • Search recipes and edit database at my convenience

Step One

I started by scanning each page of the recipe book, and separating out each recipe into it’s own image (which would help with text parsing):

Google OCR API implementation

Next, (with the help of an ever-present Large Language Model programming companion) I wrote some Python code incorporating Google’s Cloud Vision AI to scrape the text from the images and write all the parsed text (using Regex) to a json file.

from import vision
import io
import os

# Google API client initialize
client = vision.ImageAnnotatorClient()

def detect_text_from_image(image_path):
    """Detect text in an image file using Google Cloud Vision API."""
    with, 'rb') as image_file:
        content =

    image = vision.Image(content=content)

    response = client.text_detection(image=image)
    texts = response.text_annotations

    return texts

Regex Data Isolation

To capture meaningful parameters to add to my database, I needed to split out the information from each recipe which I found relevant (in this case title, the text/ingredients, and the nutritional info):

    for file_path in file_paths:
        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
            # read content of each text file
            content =

            # Find all occurrences of the pattern - anything after "description:" and before "bounding_poly"
            pattern = re.compile(r'description:\s*"(.*?)"\s*bounding_poly', re.DOTALL)
            matches = pattern.findall(content)

           # remove newline chars
            matches2 = matches[0].replace('\\n', ' ')

            patterns = [re.compile(r'^(.*?)\sHANDS-ON'), re.compile(r'(HANDS-ON.*?TOTAL\s\d+\sMIN.)'),
                        re.compile(r'SERVES\s(.*?)\sCALORIES'), re.compile(r'CALORIES\s(.*?)\sFAT'),
                        re.compile(r'FAT\s(.*?)\sPROTEIN'), re.compile(r'PROTEIN\s(.*?)\sCARB'),
                        re.compile(r'CARB\s(.*?)\sFIBER'), re.compile(r'FIBER\s(.*?)\sSUGARS'),
                        re.compile(r'SUGARS\s(.*?)\sSODIUM'), re.compile(r'SODIUM\s(.*?)\sCALC'),
                        re.compile(r'CALC\s(.*?)\sPOTASSIUM'), re.compile(r'POTASSIUM\s(.*?DV)'),

Ruby Rails Database

Next, I needed a place to host my database. I chose Ruby Rails because it is super easy to implement. I incorporated Bootstrap to format the table, and I used ransack to filter my database to make it searchable. recipe_img

Lastly, I used the active_storage default Gem to create an image upload option, so as I made each smoothie I could include a photo of the end result in the database!


Check out my github for the full code and more details on the project!